I don't think the sampling rate of CD's is too
low. Early A/D
converters may have cut out a bit too early, but for the last decade
or so, with oversampling A/Ds the 3dB cutoff has crept very close to
For a CD at 16-bit 44.1 kHz there is a difference, for a SA-CD or DVD-A at
24-bit 96 kHz basically no one will here a difference. I for one would love
to have the Mercury Living Presense and RCA Living Stereo classical releases
they did on SA-CD, as it's almost impossible to find good LP's at an
affordable price. At the moment I own one dual format CD/SA-CD, but don't
even have an SA-CD player. Oh, well, I normally listen to the LP of that
album anyway.
I don't think any LP has frequency content above
20kHz that is not
near-gaussian noise created by physical imperfections in the LP
I'm honestly not sure where it falls with LP's or 45's. With a 78, it
depends on the publisher, or even when it was done, but anything over
10-12kHz is noise on a 78.
Sorry this is way off-topic and is almost guaranteed
to incite an
audiophile flamewar... :-)
No doubt :^)