On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Evan Koblentz <evan at snarc.net> wrote:
Some episodes show the spies in their cover business
-- a travel agency --
where they use Commodore PETs. There's also a recurring Russian embassy
set, where several desks including the Russian ambassador's have DEC
I had forgotten about the PETs, but now that you mention it I do remember
When the prop company approached us, they wanted PETs
for all the FBI and
Russian embassy desks, but we explained to them that it's a ridiculous
set-up -- PETs would not be used in that environment. It was also
convenient because we had several beat-up terminals in our storage
warehouse. So the show has a more accurate technology representation (or
maybe it's just less inaccurate -- after all, what do I know about
computers in a Russian embassy in the early 80s, or if there even were
any?) ... and MARCH cleared some storage space and made a few dollars for
our budget.
Very cool! They seem to have done a reasonable job of making the show look
"period" to the 80's. I am glad that they toned down Matthew Rhys perm job
though after the pilot... that was a little over the top.
Computing aside, "The Americans" is a very
good show! I've really been
enjoying it. I think next week's episode is last one for this season, but
FX announced that they bought 13 episodes for next season.
I agree... I've been enjoying it.