On 08/05/07, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
The 'net is pretty transient, though. I've
been bitten by things disappearing
in the past where I hadn't archived them locally because I'd made the
assumption that "they'd always be there". Worse still, the bigger the
the less likely it is to stay around.
Being a pack-rat by nature, I've always tried to keep things I
download; my "downloads" folder, which is just software, drivers, etc,
things you might consider transient, is currently up to 25.2GB...
It's been handy when needing old versions of things..
I keep everything important on RAID 1 array, to avoid drive failure;
just upgraded to 2x500GB drives in a little NAS box. Backups against,
erm, "operator error" up to now were always been overnight
incrementals to another HDD (when on the previous FreeBSD server) .. I
still have to replicate that again now somehow on the new box - maybe
a third drive on the USB port, once I break into the (linux)