On 17 Jul 2010 at 19:01, Tony Duell wrote:
You know you've been (hardware) hacking too
long when you read the
subject: line of this message and assume it's going to be about a
biphase valve rectifier with a 6.3V heater and a B9A (noval) base.
Yes, that did happen to me...
Wrong side of the pond--here, it's a 6V4, not to be confused with a
This _is_ an international list...
Is it just me, or are the common US valve numbers pretty much
meaningless. The common UK/European ones, used by Philips/Mullard [1] can
be easily decoded to give the heater rating, electrode structure and base
type. US ones don't seem to give the electrode structure in any
meaningful way, even though that it probably the most important thing [2].
[1] There were other codes used by manufacturers in Europe. One farily
common one was the Mazda code. It looks like a US valve number (digits,
letters, digits), but it's decoded in a totally different way. The first
digits give the heater voltage _unless they're 10, 20, or 30, which means
100mA, 200mA, 300mA for sereis-string sets), the letter gives the
electrode structure (things like 'C' = frequency changer, 'L' = triode,
'P' = pentode, 'D' = diode) but you dont' double up letters for
structures -- a double triode is 'L' not 'LL' And the last digits simply
give unique numbers to valves which have the first part identical. A 6D1
is a single diode (==EA50 IIRC), a 6D2 is a double diode (EB91/6AL5), a
30P4 is a TV line output pentode, and so on
[2] Reminds me of a the large electronic component distributor over here
that let you select 3 terminal fixed regulators by just aobut every
possible characteristic (case type, number of pins, max temperature ,
etc) _other than the output voltage. Odd, that' the thing I think of
first when specifying such a component.
type 80 rectifier (5V 4 pin base). ez80 meant only
one thing to me--
Ah, the type 80 I have come across...