On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 22:28 -0400, Roger Merchberger wrote:
The only thing I might be able to contribute to this
discussion (as I'm
barely figuring out basic PAL/GAL logic in WinCUPL right now) is:
Ooo, WinCupl is fun. That's where I started out, too -- programming GALs
with Atmel-Wincupl and a GALBlast.
Instead of a heat gun, have you tried a mini electric
oven or what we
call in the US a "toaster oven?"
I've got one -- I just need to bolt on a decent temperature controller.
The bimetal thermostat that it came with is a piece of junk which bases
its estimate of the oven temperature on the temperature of the front
metal panel... which means that it pretty much always runs flat-out.
Heh. Kenneth Maxon's article is what made me want to try toaster-oven
reflow :)
I will say that I have not tried it (yet) as I'm
just getting further
into my hobbies after about 5 years; I'm down to one job instead of 3...
Ugh... I've ended up doing "odd jobs" for people to cover the costs of
building the DiscFerret. My entire savings are basically gone, as is my
testgear budget (I was saving up for a spectrum analyser -- emphasis:
Ah well, it's been a wild (and somewhat fun) ride, at least.
philpem at philpem.me.uk