The only way
to get any cross-platform numbers is to go for the lowest
common denominator because it is impossible to predict how the
hypothetical target machine is architected. Something like
Drystones/whetstones, Flops, mbits@sec for hard disks, mpixels@sec for
FOR X = 1 to 1000000
LET A = A + !
Ahl's simple benchmark is the way to go.
10 rem Ahl's simple benchmark
20 for n = 1 to 100: a = n
30 for i = 1 to 10
40 a = sqr(a): r = r + rnd(1)
50 next i
60 for i = 1 to 10
70 a = a^2: r = r + rnd(1)
80 next i
90 s = s + a: next n
100 print abs (1010-s/5)
110 print abs (1000-r)
I remember being pleased that my Epson Equity II came in at 12 seconds
in GW-basic. The machine on my desk doesn't have a basic interpreter.
Compiled it comes in at about 0.00075 second.