On 25/07/2005, at 8:14 AM, Fred Cisin wrote:
OB_CCTALK: Do modern (oxymoron?) Japanese, British,
and Amurican cars
have "Disc brakes" or "Disk brakes"? (German cars have
Interestingly my very recently acquired new German car (major expense
for a major birthday - see previous post regarding using disk well
before floppies were invented) refers to the brakes as disc brakes
and I've never seen such brakes referred to as disk brakes before. Of
course the manual might have been rewritten in Australian English
(more probably British).
I have always referred to disk drives as disk, not disc even though
my Computer Science lecturer (yes, there was exactly one back in the
"Good Old Days") always referred to them as disc drives. I'd just
assumed this was because he'd learnt about computing at Cambridge and
used the English spelling whereas the vast majority of the computers
I've ever used are American. I can only think of two that aren't and
they're both Japanese (Sharp and Epson).
Huw Davies | e-mail: Huw.Davies at kerberos.davies.net.au
Melbourne | "If soccer was meant to be played in the
Australia | air, the sky would be painted green"