Tony Duell wrote:
And have you tried buying a sundial recently. Most of
the ones we see in
the UK are what were termed 'garden rubbish' in the latest issue of
Clocks Magazine. Things that look like sundials but which couldn't
possibly be used to tell the time with any degree of accuracy (if indeed
they tell the time at all). Another book on sundials says 'they are
capable of showning nothing but the ignorance of the manufacturer'.
'Garden Rubbish' Where you expecting something StoneHenge size?
StoneHenge is on topic as it was used to calculate lunar eclipes
many years ago.
One day I must get round to making a sundial that's correctly set out and
correctly positioned so that it actually _will_ tell the time.
Does anyone have any good recomendations for books that describe the
design and operation of some of the more exotic/accurate 'sundials', like
the heliochronometer and the dipleidoscope?
Here is one book title that gives a lot of information but is not
a sundial plan book.
Sundials Their Construction and use
R. Newton Mayhall
Margaret W. Mayhall
ISBN 0-486-41146-X
>relative position of the sun in the sky is good
enough for me. Why bother
>and complicate life by worrying about the exact hour? :-)
Hey I just am getting useto writing 2002. :)