Ahh, the E6B, I almost remember it!
I had one made by Cessna, but they all work the same way. The
'original' E6B was made by several makers
under contract for the USAF. These are always metal. Most civilian
versions are plastic, or plastic and
They are still made, and used for basic pilot training today.
Doc wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Don Maslin wrote:
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Doc wrote:
>>> A Telex EB6 Dead Reckoning Computer.
Telex still sells them, but I'm
>>>sure this one's at least 15 years old.
You're sure that it is not an E6B?
Isn't that what I said? ;)
Thanks for catching the typo.
Here are the best pics I've found online. Mine is an FDF-60, and
copyrighted 1975, but I think the difference is mostly or all cosmetic.
Of course, those E6B's all look alike to me. ;^)
So, E6B is a type designation, right? Not a model name? I can't find
any info on the FDF-60, so I don't know if the "1975" has anything to do
with its age. Very cool little instrument, though.