On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, John Foust wrote:
I'm sorry, all answers from Exposition Services
require a $100
non-refundable down-payment in advance. It's $200 if you want
the answer carried from the loading dock to your booth.
AARGH! @###%#@!
Need to plug in that computer? Let me get the guy. Oh wait,
he's on break. I have to talk to the supervisor. He has to
talk to the steward. We'll be there later today. Can't tell
you when. (When they weren't hovering over you like obsequious
waiters in some fake-brass-rail mall restaurant.) That'll be $100
(actual 1980 price).
It's the sort of thing that gave unions a bad name; a long way
from getting us 5-day/40hr work weeks (remember those?
thank a
corporation near you for ending them) to vacuuming your pockets.