Due to massive amounts of caffeine & sleep deprivation, SUPRDAVE(a)aol.com said:
While doing my usual thrift store rounds, i bought an
atari 65XE, xmm801
printer, two disk drives, and joysticks, all for five bucks! a little surface
cleaning, and it will look like brand new. anyone know compatibility on this?
it uses the 1050 disk drives, which makes me think it's more or less
compatible with an 800xl, since it can run dos 2-3. i'm also missing the main
computer power supply, although i did get two for the drives. if anyone has a
copy of atari dos 2, 2.5 or 3, i'd need a copy mailed to me since i'd have no
other way of acquiring it.
It's 800xl compatible _if_ you expand the memory, which IIRC was 64K
standard in the 65xe but 128K (or bigger...) in the 800xl. However, you
shouldn't have any problem running dos 2.5, which I own and can make you
copies for if you don't mind waiting for the weekend... as I don't have
time tor re-assemble my 800 until then.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger Merchberger | Why does Hershey's put nutritional
Programmer, NorthernWay | information on their candy bar wrappers
zmerch(a)northernway.net | when there's no nutritional value within?