On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 22:46 +0100, Adrian Graham wrote:
Hi folks,
Having repaired my GIGI power supply and found my local copy of the user and
techical manuals (big TIFs, I'm assuming there are tools available to let me
convert these to PDFs?)
I seem to remember doing it with Imagemagick's convert utility before -
from a shell or DOS prompt it's probably as simple
convert '*.tif' output.pdf
(with scaling / rotation etc. hints as necessary)
I'm not sure if it'll "explode" multi-image TIFFs and append in
to the output file or not without any help.
Note that it's *not* quick by any means and eats memory; Imagemagick
buffers everything as 32bit internally (the one thing I hate about it!)
so even if you have mono images as input it's still going to treat the
images as 32bit before appending to the output pdf file.
For that reason some of the alternatives might be better for mono images
(ISTR 'tumble' does the same job, although I've never tried it)
Funnily enough the first thing I do when I download a bunch of scans in
PDF format is convert them to multiple TIFF images, as they're easier to
handle in whatever app is appropriate for what I'm trying to do versus
some sucky PDF viewer ;-)
This begs questions that I can't try since I
don't have the appropriate
cables here yet, but has anyone used a GIGI on the likes of the VRT19 (19"
RGB sync-on-green with 75 ohm switches like the GD33), VR262 (composite
mono) and indeed the retro collector's friend the Philips CM8833 composite
I doubt you'll break anything trying. One of our ones certainly works on
that huge TV that we normally hook up to the Domesday system...