On 9 Mar 2010 at 21:20, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
On Tuesday 16 February 2010 08:37:43 pm William
Donzelli wrote:
No - modern
high power transmitters use redundant hot-swappable
amplifier modules in quantity. A few manuafacturers may still make
tube based designs, but they are getting long in the tooth.
Hell, even Eimac is pretty much gone.
The last time I saw some of those big jugs was last October, while
visiting a friend (somewhat older than I am, in his late sixties or
early seventies), and who knew them well. He had an assortment of
them around, and was talking to me about a bunch of them being
destined for some sort of a display exhibit...
When I see the Eimac brand, I still think of Jo Jennings. (and *not*
the Olympic high jumper by the same name).