Anyone interested in the following books??
?? "OpenVMS with Apache, OSU, and WASD: The Nonstop Webserver"
????? (Alan Winston, Digital Press, 2003, 454 p.)?
?? "Teach Yourself COBOL in 24 Hours"?
????? (Thane Hubbell, SAMS, 1999, 477 p., incl. unused and
????? unopened CD-ROM)?
?? "TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming"
????? (William Barden Jr., Radio Shack/Tandy Corp., 1979, 224 p.)?
?? "Assembly Language Programming for the TRS-80 Model 16"
????? (Dan Keen & Dave Dischert, Tab Books, 1984, 184 p.)?
?? "ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference"
????? (A. Keyton Weissinger, O'Reilly, 1999)?
Some other books can be seen here: <>, also
some other computer and related items here: <>.?
All is located in the Netherlands.? On Friday they will be thrown
if nobody is interested.?
?- MG?