At 02:18 AM 8/16/01 +0100, Iggy Drougge wrote:
>I really hate this M$-ish webification.
>In the town where my grandparents live, the library was recently moved
into a
>new, pretty building, and of course, they had to
"modernise" the IT
system as
>well. They replaced the old network of text
terminals with sophisticated
>powerful flat screens with Pentium PCs hidden in
their feet. Those must
been cheap.
Oh yeah? When I walk into a new library, my first reflex is
still to look for the card catalog. :-)
When I'm in the library, and the "5 minutes until closing" speech is
sounded, I look for the old terminals to shut off, because I used to be a
page there. But our library did the exact same thing Iggy's did -- replaced
a bunch of older text terminals with a web-based system running on a bunch
of Pentiums. I just don't understand that mentality; it's like using a wood
chipper to sharpen a pencil.
But without card catalogs, what are the ghosts going to play practical jokes
on the librarians with? ^_^
GSL, who doesn't think that scene in _Ghostbusters_ would've been quite as
neat with Pentium machines...