On Mar 19, 2015, at 8:09 AM, Mark Kahrs <mark.kahrs
at gmail.com> wrote:
This is a classic case of "Great minds run in the same ruts" (sometimes
rephrased as gutters...)
I've almost designed a 4 MB card twice now. Because I'm a cheapskate, I
didn't want to use FRAM. And there are very nice SRAMs available: for
example, the Cypress CY62167 is a 2Mx8 1Mx16 RAM in 48 pin TSOP. So you'd
need two, that's ~$30 total. (n.b. there is a 4Mx8 but it's only in BGA, so
I used to think of BGA as not possible for home construction. Then I read a nice article
https://www.beta-estore.com/download/rk/RK-10001_76.pdf ? about reflow soldering using
what amounts to a toaster-oven with a temperature control added, which apparently does the
job just fine. There are some details to get right, which the article explains.