On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Tim Shoppa wrote:
that's mostly because the machine isn't appreciated yet. Sure a
trillion were made, but has anyone actually ever SEEN one? Yeah, sure,
maybe a few of us, but I'm sure EVERYONE here can say they've seen a //e,
a //c or even a //gs, but not the original, plain old vanilla ][.
Actually, I hadn't seen a //c or //gs until just a year or two ago.
But I still have my vanilla II.
Much more interesting to me than the original II are some of the
original Apple II software products. For example, the RAM version of
Applesoft, or some of the good old Integer Basic games like
Apple Trek and Pong, on original Apple cassette tapes. Good stuff.
Unfortunately, lots of these little items got thrown out when users
upgraded to disk drives.
Yeah, you never really think of the cassette ports having been useful for
anything but digitizing sound and maybe transferring copy protected
games, or piping sound output to an external amplifier.
Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass