Typically, the time spent "in the water" isn't long enough to damage. Even
items made of steel and iron won't rust if the water is removed after the
cycle is complete. If they sit overnight, well, that's a different story.
The only production problem I saw with untreated water was with an
electronic test instrument that had a lot of high-impedance signal
interconnects throughout. Many signal lines ran for long distances next to
each other. While the design of this piece of test equipment was
questionable, it was our duty to get it to work.
The two biggest problems were contaminants from the water supply used in
the washing process (city water - switched to using a commercial filtration
system), and humidity (had to paint a sealant on all of the boards).
Typical TTL logic, low frequency systems do not suffer from these problems....
- Matt
I also would consider the qaulity of the water. I would
wash in
water. The last thing you want is clorine or other acids and junk from
water slower eating your PCB.
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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