At 07:44 AM 4/4/2002 +0000, Sellam Ismail wrote:
Next time, do what my dad did when he was on his way
back to the US from a
trip abroad and the security folks gave him all sorts of hassle over his
Leatherman tool. After arguing with them for about half an hour (they
wanted to confiscate and destroy it, and he was having none of that), he
finally suggested they give it to the pilot to hold during the flight, to
which they obliged. When he landed, the pilot handed it back to him and
all was well ;)
I think what they should do is hand out multi-tools to everyone
on the flight. If there are more passengers than hijackers,
I think they can overpower them.
I finished high school in 1981 in Wisconsin. I distinctly
remember being able to bring a rifle and ammunition to school
in order to go hunting when the day ended.
- John