----- Original Message -----
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>
What I'd *like* to see is some notion of design lifespan quoted as part of
product marketing - making it a legal requirement if necessary (as I
things like crash-test and fuel consumption data is
for cars, at least in
UK). That way at least it'd help raise lifespan as
an issue amongst the
(because let's face it, the average person seems
to love throwing money at
toys every couple of years anyway).
In Denmark, many people toss their cellphone every 6 months. This is because
a cell phone is not sold "at cost + profit", but for a ridiculous amount,
often 1 danish crown, about 18 US$ cent!
This price is possible, because the mobile phone companies subsidize the
phones heavily, in order to get the traffic. The phone is then locked to the
company. The only condition for getting the phone at a low price, is that
they will not change phone company for 6 months. After the "binding period"
is gone, the phone can be unlocked softwarewise, and you can change company.