That seems to be a common practice for IT people ;) (to have a cat or two),
I always have had (and still have 1 (and maybe soon 2) cats.
When I'm at my computer she comes meowing around and jumps on my
lap when I'm reading email, playing around with simh, looking at weird
Youtube vids (what a load of junk is there, but that's quite OT).
She first starts to moving around trying to find the 'best' sitting spot,
and when done the nails come out..... Ohhh the pain, the pain (as Dr. Smith
would say).
Anyway one can either like them or hate them. I just like cats.
Pets -- and not he Commodore flavour :-)
I am
seriously considering giving a home ot another cat sometime. Not
replace Pentina, you can't replace a cat. But
a different friend to
on my service manuals, shed hairs in my disk
drives, try to trip me
and so on.
I prefer the kind that are perfectly content to sit on your knee,
purring away. Though dogs have their own redeeming qualities... :)
Oh IO am very much a 'cat' person. I don't think I would want any other
animal as a companion. The unpredictability of cats is their charm to me.
I want something that is going to sit on my schemaitcs, decide that the
spidle I dropped is an ideal toy to bat around the floor, leap onto my
workbench when I am handling tiny screws and so on.
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