David Griffith wrote:
What was
the biggest abuse you took with your M? :o)
How about Mmmmmmm. I splashed solder on mine. Currently I have one
completely stripped until I can get a USB driver board worked out that I
Well, my PS/2-USB adapter just arrived in the mail. Plugged it in, and it Just
Worked (tm) - I don't think I've ever had anything do that in Linux before :-)
The adapter's pretty small, but I can't find a suitable socket bit in my
toolbox that's slimline enough to use to take the Model M case apart so I can
see if it'll fit inside comfortably.
Re. Model M itself - it's nice to be typing on one; I've suffered a laptop
keyboard for far too long! My only criticism of it is that the right-hand
shift key seems to require fairly central pressing in order to work (i.e. I
can't just reach across from the cursor keys and tap the end) - does anyone
know if they changed this (i.e. added a metal travel-assist bar as with the
spacebar, keypad enter key etc.) on the later models?
(basking in clicky goodness)