On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 02:04, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
Monitor being fed too high a voltage? Too *low*
a voltage to the
scanning? Might just be out of adjustment - possibly someone's fiddled
with all the trimmers. We used to call TVs in that condition "NICAM"
sets, Nasty Intruder Caused Absolute Mayhem.
We used to call it 'digital interference' :-) I once had a VCR in for
repair where the idiot owner hadn't realised you had to tune the TV set
to the RF ouput of the CCR, and had, instead, twiddled every electronic
and mechanical adjustment in an attempt to get a picture. Sorting that
mess out took a long time!
Incidentally, for those not in Europe, NICAM (Near Instantaneous
Companded Audio Multiplex) is a digitial stereo sound system used on TV's
over here. I built a NICAM decoder way back in the early 1990s....