In a message dated 98-05-13 09:10:41 EDT, you write:
<< OK... remember that Arthur J. Carp fellow... well, I got a copy of Warp
3.5" disks. (It's been a while...) Anyway, this is semi-on topic, as
OS/2's a pretty good story, and older versions are classic.
So here's the deal. I can get all the way to Disk 6, then I re-insert
the Install diskette. Then, it asks me to reboot. I reboot, and it's not
there. I also have Windows 95 on this system. So how do I: Get past that
2) Get to see the drive's contents (it's not the same C as FAT 32 sees >>
if youve got win95 on there, you'll need to setup boot manager. i have two
machines in a triple boot setup; pcdos7-win3.1/win95/warp and win95/nt/warp
message me privately if more details are needed.