Someone wrote...
So far so good, except there are about 5
cctalk digests per day. Can the list admin/maintainer set things so one
digest message is sent per day, instead of several smaller ones? That kind
defeats the object of having a digest version.
The [CCTALK] header in subject lines is now gone. If you want to
automatically filter classiccmp traffic to an alternate mailbox, just use
the sender address instead of searching the subject.
The [CCTALK] footer is gone.
Digests are sent once a day no matter what, OR if the digest reaches 200K.
That had previously been set to 30K (install default) so digests should now
come once a day typically.
The [CCTECH] header is still in place for those subscribed to that list, and
it will show up for posts to that list (because those posts automatically
show up on cctalk).
Jay West