Am 5 Dec 2005 11:27 meinte Bert Thomas:
Hans Franke wrote:
> Am 2 Dec 2005 7:47 meinte Cini, Richard:
> *1 - In fact, if I had to design a new system
today, I would use
> USB as a bus structure to be used for add on cards. Simple
> handling, no interface problems, no electrical problems,easy
> driver structure and fast enough for almost everything, even
> including graphics.
Can you by any chance point me in a direction where to
documentation about USB? Would I need special licenses to obtain the specs?
I would like to have the hardware programming information.
As for myself, I started out with the USB documentation,
as found on the
USB.ORG site the data sheets of two 8 Bit
USB host controlers and a book called USB Design by Example
from Intel Press (And another book even better one ...
I can't remember the title).
Both give a rather nice step by step introduction into priciples
and whereabouts. Of course the Intel book uses quite some
windows code, incudeing how to write drivers and so on. It
alos covers very broad the device side and how to attach
various CPUs.
VCF Europa 7.0 am 29/30.April und 01.Mai 2006 in Muenchen