On Thu, 3 Feb 2022, Peter Coghlan via cctalk wrote:
Today I finally managed to check it out. The ceramic
F4A mains input fuse
beside the power switch on the back panel had blown. When I opened it up,
I found a POWER-ONE MAP80-4000 power supply. The main chopper transistor
labelled Q1 on the PCB is almost a dead short. It is a large plastic
packaged FET mounted on a piece of aluminium which is in turn screwed to
the case for heatsinking. Unfortunately, there are no markings on it so
I have no idea what to replace it with :-(
As Q1 is shorted across all three terminals, whatever drives it may be
damaged too :-(
After finding screw heads hidden under the label, I managed to extract
the PCB from the case and found some corrosion underneath, possibly from
leaking electrolytic capacitors :-(
This PSU seems to have been used across various Cisco devices and I had
one fail several years ago in a WS-C1202 Ethernet/FDDI switch, also having
suffered from leaking caps. Back then RS still had it in stock at a hefty
price of ?489.60: <https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/8338173/>, so I
chose to recap the failed one and thanfully it has continued working ever
since. You may try to enquire with the manufacturer.
Good luck with bringing yours back to life!