On 5/15/07, Grant Stockly <grant at stockly.com> wrote:
I have a tarbell floppy controller card that has been
rewired to access
3.5" disks using a standard PC 3.5" disk drive. I have 3 disks that the
Altair can boot off of and read, but my windows computer can't do anything
with them. I've tried rawread.exe and diskinfo.exe and they both choke on
the disk. I assumed that if a disk could be written with the standard 3.5"
disk drive on the tarbell card then it should also be read on the same
drive connected to a modern IBM compatible.
Without more information, the best anyone can do is try to read your
Here's my try.
You're putting an 8" format on a 3.5" drive. Perhaps the drive
you're using uses pin 2 as a density select and completely ignores
the extra HD hole in your 720K disk.
That's sort of the opposite of recording a 720K format on a 1.44M
disk--the cure there is to cover the HD hole in the 1.44M disk. If
the reverse were true, you'd drill (or punch) a hole in the 720K