Hi Philip,
thanks for your comments!
Can the code
be modified (e.g. is it possible to implement
an other CPU?)?
The Inverse Assembler toolkit was on Agilent's FTP site a few
years ago. I'm not sure where you could get a copy now, though.
The assembler works fine on pretty much any machine, but IALDOWN
is very fussy.
I did some search and was not able to get hands on a
copy of the "Inverse Assembler toolkit". :-( But still I
think, that the source code of IALDOWN might be interesting
fo lot of people using 1600 analyzers. Since you used the NI
library it should be easy to port it to other libraries:
the NI library is somthing like standard for GPIB. Maybe
I will be able to locate the "Inverse Assembler toolkit" in
the future and than I'd be interested, too!
Maybe the linux-gpib-project's people are interested as
well (search for "hp1630 logic analyzer sourceforge" within
google groups).
Last but not least I consider the HP1600 analyzers very
well suited for debugging and maintaining classic comps
and I am happy to have one ;-)
Best regards,