wonderful news Pierre! good work on what sounds to be a Herculean scanning
I have half of a Unisys System 80/7E (it is actually a Unisys A-series A4
with a different microcode load to support the System 80 ISA). I'm hoping
to get the remainder of the system sometime in the next year, however aside
from a brochure I have zero documentation for the
system and have found
very little about OS3 itself.
I will be glad to make use of the PDFs once they are available (thank you
for submitting them to bitsavers) and would like to see the printed
material go to a formal organisation for long term preservation. However if
no one steps up then I can be a custodian-of-last-resort rather than seeing
the material discarded.
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:20 AM, P Gebhardt <p.gebhardt at ymail.com> wrote:
I just wanted to make sure the content is scanned and
thus saved and as I
don't have the hardware and therefore no use for it, I'd like to give the
documentation away to somebody who is interested in that.