Subject: Memory board info needed
From: "Richard A. Cini" <rcini at>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 22:33:31 -0400
To: CCTalk <cctalk at>
I'm stocking-up on high-density S100 memory boards (to reduce heat
in my Altair) and I just bought an SC Digital 16KUS memory board. It appears
to be a 16kx4 board but it has some bank switch DIP switches on it.
Does anyone have a manual or schematic for this board? Thanks.
I'd suggest something more like a Compupro RAM16 or RAM17, there are many
similar to those. What are they? Those are the 64k board using 2116 (2kx8)
rams. Low power, cooler and less trouble in the altair (bus noise and cooling).