Subject: Re: Unknows S-100 System
From: "Roy J. Tellason" <rtellason at>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:35:38 -0400
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
What irritated
me was that Intel never documented the additional 8085
instructions, even though they seemed to be present on every version
of the chip Intel (and second sources) ever produced. Because they
weren't "officially" documented, we adopted a policy that they should
not be used to avoid possible future "surprises".
What are these? I remember some stuff in the magazines early on (probably
Byte, in its first year of publication or so) and have run across some stuff
on the 'net about undocumented z80 opcodes, most of which don't seem to be
terribly useful, but this is the first I've heard of undocumented 8085
from my compendium of acient history and useful junk:
Hex 8085 Meaning
10 RRHL ;Rotate HL right. 16-bit rotation, flags unchanged.
10 Shift right HL
18 RLDE Rotate DE left. Bit 15 to Carry. No other flags.
18 Rotate right DE
28bb ADI HL,bb ;Add 00bb immediate to HL, setting flags.
28 Add HL and Immidiate nnnn into DE
38bb ADI SP,bb ;As above but to Stack Pointer.
38 Add SP and Immidiate nnnn into DE
CB RSTV8 ;RST 8 (to 0040) if the V flag is set.
CB ReSTart on Overflow(V) to 0040h
D9 Load [DE] from HL
DDaaaa JNK aaaa ;Jump to location aaaa if K flag is reset.
DD Jump on 'Not X5'
ED Load Hl from [DE]
FDaaaa JK aaaa ;Jump to location aaaa if K flag is set.
FD Jump on 'X5'
bit 8085
7(MSB) S sign
6 Z Zero
5 X5
4 AC aux carry
3 0
2 P parity
1 V overflow
0(LSB) C carry
Intel did not further specify the undocumented 8085 instructions.
This however means that other assemblers might use different mnemonics for the same
DSUB 08 10cy HL <- HL - BC
Instruction : DSUB [reg] (DSB BC)
Function : HL HL - reg (double subtract)
Flags : CY, S, X5, AC, Z, V, P
Arguments : reg = B for BC (optional)
ARHL 10 7cy HL <- HL/2, CY <- L0
Instruction : ARHL (SHRL)
Function : HL,CY HL >> 1 (arithmetc right shift)
Flags : CY
Argument : none
RDEL 18 10cy DE <- DE*2, E0 <- CY, CY <- D7
Instruction : RDEL (SLDE)
Function : CY,DE DE << 1 (arithmetic right shift)
Flags : CY, V
Arguments : none
LDHI imm 28 dd 10cy DE <- HL + imm
Instruction : LDHI d8 (LRI HL,D8)
Function : DE HL + d8 (HL + 8bit >DE)
Flags : none
Arguments : d8 = 8-bit constant
LDSI imm 38 dd 10cy DE <- SP + imm
Instruction : LDSI d8 (LRI SP,D8)
Function : DE SP + d8 (SP+ D8 >DE
Flags : none
Arguments : d8 = 8-bit constant
RSTV CB 6/12cy if(V) push PC, PC <- 40H
Instruction : RST flag (RSTV)
Function : restart to 40h if flag=1
Flags : none
Arguments : flag = V
SHLX D9 10cy (DE) <- HL
Instruction : SHLX DE
Function : DE < [HL]
Flags : none
Arguments : reg = DE
LHLX ED 10cy HL <- (DE)
Instruction : LHLX DE
Function : [DE] > HL
Flags : none
Arguments : reg = DE
JNX5 addr DD al ah 7/10cy if(!X5) PC <- addr
Instruction : JNX5 addr
Function : jump to addr if X5=0
Flags : none
Arguments : addr = absolute 16-bit address
JX5 addr FD al ah 7/10cy if(X5) PC <- addr
Instruction : JX5 addr
Function : jump to addr if X5=1
Flags : none
Arguments : addr = absolute 16-bit address
X5 is the otherwise unused bit 5 in the PSW register