Contrary to popular opinion, I actually think this was a smart idea. =
Here's why:
While it is true that if the printer PS dies, the computer isn't usable, =
putting the PS for the system in the printer actually simplified the =
wiring of the unit. It only required one AC connection for the whole =
thing, one wire going from the printer to the computer, and one wire to =
the keyboard. The whole system was designed with the idea of making =
things simple for non-techies to use. So, in that respect, I think it =
was a good idea.
Having one PSU 9and thus one mains lead) might well be a good idea, but
the sensible place to put it is in the processor box, surely. After all,
if the printer then dies, you can carry on using the computer while you
fix the printer. And if any part of the processor unit dies (including
the PSU), the printer is pretty useless anyway.
With the PSU in the printer, if the printer dies you can't use the rest
of the machine (no PSU), but if the processor, etc dies you can't use the
printer (even though you have a PSU for it).