I was looking at the power control board for the H742A (5409730) that is
supposed to be putting out my +15v. I couldn't find any schematics on this
board but the system engineering prints appear to indicate they should be
present. In the absence of schematics (and any obvious scorching) I figured
the likely first thing to check is the sole TO-3 power transistor on the
board. Sure enough, the C-E junction is shorted so at the least I'll need
one of those.
1) The critter is Motorola "DEC3000" which I'm betting is a DEC house part
number (since ECG xref shows nothing && it starts with DEC). Can anyone clue
me in to what part that really is?
2) Are the schematics for 5409730 around so I can try to understand it a
little better?
Thanks for any pointers!
Jay West