On Feb 18, 2018, at 1:53 PM, Brent Hilpert via cctalk wrote:
Paul Pierce has a G-15:
Or he did, ca 2001.
I would so like to be restoring a tube computer.
How is Cory's LGP-30 project going, if he's reading?
Looks like I spot Paul's LGP-30s there as well. Good for parts, but I understand the
drums are unsalvageable.
I'm at a temporary standstill with mine due to an issue with two of the recirc
registers, problem believed to be at the drum. Unlike a lot of 'other' gear, I
have to tread lightly on this stage of the troubleshooting and have been keeping my eyes
out for the correct miniature Winchester connectors to be able to switch in/out the heads.
So, not a lot of progress has been made since last spring, but I did bring the machine up
last month to exercise the bearings and Flexowriter. Also fabbed-up and installed
replacement 'wings' for the control panel which are missing from practically all
of them, so it's at least looking better.
Jurgen Muller's LittleGP-30 kit has been fun to put together, now I just need to brush
up on my programming.
I also had the fortune of seeing the University of Stuttgart's 100% functional LGP-30
this winter...some pics here: