I don;t think
the grant chains are an issue at this point, but I'd put the CPU in the
far right slot (where it was origianly), then memory immediately to the
left of itm then the serial board -- with no gaps between them.
Yep. Don't
worry about the long gap between the serial board and the
BDV-11 - there's nothing on it that needs granting.
Hi Ethan, are you saying the BDV is required for a minimal system? My
understanding was I should be able to start ODT without it, since it's
built into the LSI-11 CPU. The CPU also provides the pull-ups for the bus.
Tony - I currently have RAM installed since without it BRPLYL wasn't
being asserted. I'll check the control pins on the console UART (not
familiar with the 6402 but it looks pretty simple) and the cycling
frequency of those BDAxL lines too. Thanks for confirming my suspicions
that things aren't right.