I know this is off-topic, but I'm looking for suggestions and a
solution may involve a "vintage" box. If you feel that discussion of
this on-list isn't appropriate, please email me privately.
Here's my situation. I like to listen to web-based radio and I
transmit an FM signal so that I can listen on any FM radio. It works
very well and I'm happy with that aspect.
However, the system doing this is an old built-like-a-tank 500MHz P3
Compaq Deskpro box running RedHat somehing-or-the other (it's been so
long since I've upgraded it that I don't remember) 24x7. I'd like
something that drinks less power. Interface to the web is via
100BaseT copper. Station switching is accomplished via a simple
shell script and initiated via telnet.
My current thought is that I could pick up something like an HP e-PC
and equip it with a CF hard drive. But a 1.7GHz CPU again seems like
overkill for a very limited application.
Does anyone have any other low-power ideas? Note that most of the
streams I listen to are RA, not MP3.