fine, but what do you have to do to improvise a probe.
That depends on what you want to use it for....
FOr Audio frequencies (but not much higher!) you would get away with what
is often caleld a '*1 probe'. Just a length of coaxial cable with aBNC
plgu to fit the ;'scope on one end. a probe (connected to the central
conductor) and a ground clip (connected to the braid)) on the other.
For higher frequecny work -- and just about anything digital -- you need
a '*10 probe'. This should more accurately be called a '/10 probe' since
the signal seen by the 'scope is a tenth of the signal you're looking at.
The simplest form of that is again a coaxial cable with a BNC plug to fit
the 'cope at one end. At the other end, the ground clip is connected to
the braid as before. But now toy have a 9M resistor (forms a 10:1 voltage
divider with the input impedance of the 'scope) connected to the central
conductor, and a trimmer capacitor in parellel with it. This needs to
have 1/9th the capacitance of the 'scope input _plus the cable_.
Alternatively you could just buy a *10 probe. The spec of your 'scope is
pretty standard, so any reasmable-quality probe should be usable.