I purchased an HP85B and a few accessories a while back and I've now
come to the conclusion that I am not going to have enough time to do
anything with it. I've verified that the HP85B itself works except for
the tape drive. It has the sticky capstan problem and will need to be
repaired. The printer seems to work though.
The collection includes the following:
ROM drawer 82936A with the following ROMs:
- plotter/printer 00085-15002
- matrix 00085-15004
- advanced programming 00085-15005
I also have the following modules:
HP-IB Interface 82937A
Opt 001 Serial Interface 82939A
128K Memory Module 82909A
Of course, it would be great to trade this equipment for something
interesting. At the moment, I'm more interested in music synthesizers
than in classic computers. I don't really expect anyone on this list
to offer that sort of trade but if you just happen to have some old
music stuff laying around that you don't want, I'd love to hear about
it. In any case, I don't really want to pack this stuff up. I live in
Bedford, NH and would be happy to give this equipment to someone who
is willing to come here and pick it up.