job using a major microsprocessor [PIC] that DOES NOT
HAVE A [accessable]
STACK. There is NO concept of push arguments on the stack and call the
It is, of course, possible to simulate a stack on the PIC using the
indirect addressing register. I've done it.
2) If "C" is a pre-requisite,
write/purchase/acquire a small x86 emulator
written in "C". It should be small [and probably not need to support the
full x86]. I have seen "the light go on" in a number of "apprentice"
programmers who understand "C" [or at least belive they do] but are confused
by machine language. Seeing the register set as a "struct", seeing
instruction dispatch as a "switch", etc often provides a good mental link.
Of course the opposite happend to me. I had no problems understanding
pointers in C (They seem entirely natural) becuase I'd already learnt
PDP11 machine language (not even assmebly language, machine language,
toggled in on the panel switches).