> What in the world is this?
On Fri, 24 Apr 2020, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
It?s a word processor, pure and simple. I have the
later version and
have kind of been collecting tales of the Cassette Power Typing company
of Michigan -
Thank you for a delightful page. I hadn't previously noticed it.
Trivial corrections:
In Nov 2005 update, it says that the 9000 had an 8086 processor.
In Jan 2007 update, it says that Win 3.1 was run on it.
Windows 3.10 required A20 support, and would not run on the 8088/8086, so
that would have had to have been Windows 3.00,
OR the 9000 processor was 80X86, specifically 80286.
OR, the 9000 got a processor update.
(The pictures at the bottom of the page, of ISA boards, are clearly 16 bit
ISA, which would be 80286, not 8086)
In Sep 2008, Gary Simpson seems to have confused Double-SIDED with
Punching another hole is needed to convert 8" disks back and forth between
single and double SIDED. and is unrelated to density.
He also mentioned 1771 FDC, which was, indeed, FM not MFM.
(He would not be the first person to conflate capacity with density, and
think that using both sides doubled the DENSITY; it doubled the capacity,
and therefore the density of the filing cabinet, but not the "density" of
the recording format.)
At one time, I received a 3.5" double density sample disk that was clearly
labelled "CPT CP/M-80" It was obviously CP/M file system, and I easily
implemented that format in XenoCopy. (It would not have been "easily" if
it weren't CP/M, MS-DOS, Stand-Alone BASIC, P-system, nor TRS-DOS)
Was that a different CPT? Similar three letter name COULD be something
else entirely.
Or had they done some different drives?
Or was that a customer modification?
Gary Simpson mentions 1771 FDC, which was single density only.
Did any of the CP/M models (pre 80x86) have double density? (likely
a 179x FDC, which was an easy upgrade from the 1771, or a whole
different FDC, such as the NEC765).
It didn't HAVE to be pre-80286; it was possible to run a Z80 emulator on
PCs, but few had reason to do so.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at