From: "Ethan Dicks" <ethan.dicks at>
Reply-To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic
Posts"<cctalk at>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
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Subject: Re: M7800 crystal (was: RE: Serial console problems on 11/34)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 19:40:35 +1200
On 6/22/06, Julian Wolfe <fireflyst at> wrote:
I added that jump and it fixed the problem.
Thanks, Don!
For those that are keeping score at home, there's a similar jump
needed for the KL8E serial board. The board has both EIA and 20mA
drivers and receivers. It transmits out of both all the time, and you
use the jump to pick which interface standard to listen to.
Now to get the M7800 card working so I can do TU58
stuff :)
Anyone know what speed crystal the "Northern Eng NE-6A" is on an M7800?
(i.e. does it do 9600 baud? ;)
Boy... that's a tricky one... do you have a frequency counter or an
oscilloscope? You could determine the base frequency with either
I seem to remember that there are some options for the M7800,
like M7800-YA. The manuals lists the Xtal frequencies (IIRC), and
the max baudrate for M7800's is 2400 Bd. The max baudrate for
DL11-W is 9600 Bd. I have a description of the DL11-W on my
website (
) in the 11/34 folder under options ...
- Henk.
PS. no stupid company footer now ... let's see what is appended now.
Zoeken is nog nooit zo eenvoudig geweest!