Ha. Wood methanol. Wood alcohol, aka methanol. Sorry.
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Sean Caron <scaron at umich.edu> wrote:
I'm not sure what the formulation was in the past
but denatured alcohol
nowadays is just ethanol with maybe 5-10% methanol added. You definitely
shouldn't be drinking it (in vivo, methanol is metabolized to formaldehyde
via oxidative reduction - formaldehyde attacks the optic nerve - which is
why drinking wood methanol makes you go blind) but other than that, I
wouldn't say it's particularly more harmful to you, boards or components
than isopropanol is. You wouldn't want to drink that, either!
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 3:51 AM, Tothwolf <tothwolf at concentric.net> wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2014, Eric Smith wrote:
If anyone happens to have a spare Apple IIgs power supply that they'd be
willing to sell for lower than eBay prices, I
could really use one. On
eBay, the power supply often sells for more than the whole computer.
I will replace the failed capacitor in the power supply that I have, but
unfortunately when it smoked and burst, it got smelly resinous crap all
over the PCB, other components, and the inside of the power supply case, so
I'd prefer to put in another power supply than constantly fill the house
with fumes from this one.
Isopropyl alcohol* and a toothbrush will clean off the capacitor mess and
magic smoke residue. It won't hurt the other components to get them wet
with alcohol or even water if you need to rinse it. Isopropyl alcohol might
damage or remove printing from certain types of labels though, so be
careful of those.
[* -Not- "denatured" or wood alcohol, normally used for thinning shellac,
which has different chemical additives that are extremely toxic.]