You're not kidding - you should have seen the mess that my wife's uncle's
cat made of their VCR , never did work properly again - lots of coils with
the varnish compromised etc. Over here I would use Safewash 2000 and rinse
with water. I'll have a look for the equivalent American product.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Ponsford" <tponsford(a)>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only" <cctech(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:43 PM
Subject: Mouse doody
Sifting through ye ol' computer shed, I brought down two alpha 255's I
intended to combine and make one working machine.
I was not too surprised to find that the local field mice had got inside
case through an open pci-slot cover and had made a
I cleaned out the seeds and wadding and mouse doody, but I need to
clean to motherboard from mouse urine.
Any suggestions??
I know urine can have a possible corrosive effect so I want to make sure I
clean the MB thoroughly, before attempting to put it
back together.