#40 is really, really thin (<0.08 mm, ~0.003in), only likely to be used for
winding coils.
And darn hard to find in sensible quantities...
I was rewinding a coil with #38 a couple weeks ago, not much latitude for
indelicate slip-ups.
I rewound a couple of motors useing 38swg wire (5 thou, 0.15mm or
thereabouts) a month or two ago. It was a lot easier than I expected,
even though I got the connections to the commutator wrong the first time
and had to wind that armature again.
Actually, this was on-topic. The motors were from an HP9125A plotter,
which is used with the HP9100 calculator. The HP9125 is all discrete
transsitors (mostly bipolar, but a few JFETs), there are almost 100
transistors on each DAC board.