Roger Holmes wrote:
(incidentally, how come MF does not mean Mega
Since the largest capacitor I have ever heard of is 100 Farads, it
really doesn't seem likely that there will be any confusion.
I rememebr seeing a 2.7kF (yes, kilofarad) capactior in a catalogue, but
I think it's now been discontinued... I've never seen anythlng larger.
The reason MF (or MFD) was used for microfarad was, I guess, they
couldn't print/stamp lower case or greek letters onto the components.
I've also seem MMFD (micro micro farad) for what is more commonly called
I guess this is one reason why mF (millifarad (1000uF)) is not commonly
used. It would casue too much confusion with the old MF.
Anyone else rememebr an upside-down Omega being used for megohms? And I
am sure I've seen 'M' being used for 1000 In resistor values in some old
service manuals (maybe RCA). Caused a lot of confusion to me at first
(why does this valve have a 47 meg resistor feeding the screen grid???
Oh, they mean 47k..)