How about Series/1?
There is a classic Data General ad that ran when IBM was introducing
the S/1 to "legitimize the minicomputer market". The Data General ad
said "The bastards say, welcome".
Bruce Ray may be looking for this ad for a scan.
One of my friends has a Series/1 that was used as a front end for Ascii
serial terminals on a Pick (Ultimate) system for the Ibm mainframe. You
could use the 7171 up to a point then switch to the Series/1. There was
a 68000 based series of controllers called Hyfas (??) that fitted in the
aircooled mainframes that we later used for serial I/O.
Seattle OS also had a full Pick implementation that ran on the Series/1,
but missed their marketing window and didn't capitalize on their
franchise before running out of money.