On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 00:24:53 -0500
9000 VAX <vax9000 at gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/12/05, woodelf <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca>
While I have taken a few software packages from
work to home
to work at home, like
DOS and some programimg software that never made it back later
to work, I for the most
part want to buy the software providing it reasonable. The
same goes for music , I don't mind
One question. I often can find old abandoned PC's. Most of them
are with software. Am I authorized to use the software I found?
One step further, could I copy them to my own PC and use them?
Examples are MKS tool kit, MS C 6.0, several versions of DOS,
Qedit, PC tools. I admit that I am not bothered by this issue. I
am just curious about the 'main stream' opinion.
vax, 9000
Some of the software was licensed to exactly whomever installed it
or who an IT person installed it for. It's a 'grey area' without
referring to a specific (version of a) package.
There are large bodies of old software which legally cannot exist
and which, if we are going to follow the law down to the letter,
must be obliterated any time a copy of said software is
There's a big difference between being a conservator and going
around spreading warez, though.