"Gene Buckle" <geneb(a)deltasoft.com> wrote...
(flamewar snipped)
Dammit Sellam, will you just stop this? It's totally absurd and doesn't
do anything but make you look like a squalling 5 year old. If you've got
a problem with him, take it to private mail! I'm pretty sure I'm not the
only person on this list that's getting pretty tired of you and Richard
virtually bitch-slapping each other in public.
I've restrained from commenting on this whole thing, because I didn't want
to post off-topic... but now there's a big "meta-offtopic" thread of
complaints about flames, trolls, and off-topic threads. Ironic, huh? :)
Personally, I just suggest quietly killfiling and moving on. Keeps the S/N
ratio down.