This got me
going :) I search high an low for a "suitable set of
adaptors" when I noticed that my vt125 has a video in and I hooked
up. It showed me this:
Wow, that's an image straight out of The Twilight Zone. ;)
Not relevant to fxing the VT220, but IIRC, most DEC terminals with video
inputs do not accept sync on said input. Instead, you haev to take the
video _output_ signal from the terminal, extract the sync from that, and
then lock your video source to that sync signal. Needless to say this
makes such terminals not a particularly useful substitute for a monitor.
It also probably explains what's going on here.
The video signal is obviously not syncing up, but
you can clearly read
"VT220 OK". So the logic board is fine. I guess I should start looking
for the HOT, the flyback looks ok, not like the broken ones I've
seen in
a vt320.
Yup, sure sounds like "an analog failure" (not that there's any
other kind) in the monitor section. The monitor circuits in the
VT220 are fairly simple, aren't they?
They should be pretty simple. Monochrome raster monitors are all pretty
similar, the differences are in the video drive circuitry (between the
video input(s) and the CRT cathode).
I would start y measurign the CRT electrode voltages It's difficult to
state what they should bem but at least you'll see if any are missing, if
the gun is biased way beyond cut-off (if the cathode is more than about
20V positive wrt the control grid), and so on,